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Guardian Services

Full Guardianship Services for Under 18s

Under 18 international students living in the UK away from their parents are required to have an appointed legal guardian and it is insisted upon by most private schools.  We are highly experienced in fulfilling this role, supporting the students, communicating with schools on behalf of parents, and providing all the needs for the well-being and success of our students.

Visa Advice

We can provide advice and guidance every step of the way on how to manage the UK visa system.  It can sometimes be a daunting process when you are faced with the visa application – we can advise you on the requirements and process for securing your visa for studying in the UK.  We even meet you when you arrive at the airport!

Study Management and Support

We all know that young students need support and to study under the watchful eye of a parent.  We take on the parental guiding role for each of our students, advising them on how to study, subject advice, managing work, and providing the quiet studious environment that they need.  Our professional tutors are always on-hand to support with academic work whenever required.  We want to ensure every student receives the best possible all-round education and as such we make sure they have dedicated study time everyday and always have a reading book on the go.


At Vision House School we provide clean, comfortable and homely accommodation to our students.  We offer full homestay for day pupils and weekend accommodation for weekly boarders.  Students at Vision House have a their own room in our warm and comfortable historic Victorian house which was built in the 19th century in the Tudor style. Students here enjoy healthy home-cooked food, an active lifestyle and living together at home with one another in our Christian family.

Language Courses

Courses we offer fall broadly into three categories

Courses we offer

Vision House School offers language courses to suit all our students’ needs.  We can custom build a language course for your specific requirements.  Most commonly, students at Vision House learn English to prepare for entrance into school or university, to prepare for taking exams such as IELTS, to attend summer/winter camps to improve general English, to work towards GCSE and A-level English.

Preparation for studying in the UK

Prepares international students for studying the British curriculum in a School or University in the UK
  • Perfect for integrating seamlessly into the British education system
  • Customised to your exact level (11+, 13+, 16+, undergraduate, postgraduate)
  • 1:1 teaching
  • Includes academic, social, and cultural preparation

General English Language Courses

We offer a range of language courses including for exams such as IELTS (see below)
  • Preparation for IELTS exams
  • Preparation for TOEFL exams
  • General courses
  • Beginner Courses
  • Common Entrance, GCSE, A-Level

Summer/Winter English Camp

Come with a group of your chosen friends to learn English
  • Classes for up to 5 friends
  • Summer and Winter Courses
  • Improve your written and conversational English
  • Use your English on fun cultural and educational trips around the UK
End-to-End School Application Support and

Entrance Exam Preparation

Vision House School provides one year courses that prepare international students for British education all the way from school application to starting the British curriculum.

School Entrance Exams

Securing a place at a top British school is a competitive and anxiety inducing process even for British students; navigating this process as an international student can be even harder.  Vision House School provides a platform for international students to get launched into a top British school and ease the transition into British study.  Together with our partners who are the leading experts on British school admissions and preparation, we make the whole process as easy as possible.

The process takes one year commencing in August and you will be studying full-time with us at Vision House School as we take you through every step of the process.

Complete Education Consulting

Vision House provides complete guidance and preparation on all aspects of studying in the UK, from selecting schools to preparing to join the British curriculum.

We run a course that covers the whole process of selecting schools, making applications, preparing for exams, interviewing, accepting offers, and catching up with the British curriculum.

Outline of a Typical Year


Meet Vision House, Outline your goals, School Tours

Students and parents often come to visit us in the Summer to take a tour of Vision House, meet our team and see round some prospective schools.  At this point we discuss your goals and requirements and put a plan together.  Students often stay with us for a summer camp to get to know us and life in the UK.


Finalise School Selection and Apply

The process begins in August and Vision House can take you on tours of the UK schools and advise on the school set that is most suitable to your strengths and character.  Our partners are also the leading specialists in school admissions and can support you every step of the way as your make your selection. 


Intensive Preparation and Study for Entrance Exams

The entrance exams for the top UK schools are highly competitive and most often places at the school are over-subscribed.  The team at Vision House is highly experienced in the requirements for entrance exams at every school and can tailor your preparation accordingly.  You will be rigorously prepared in English, maths, verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning and general knowledge.


Interview Guidance and Coaching

If you have been successful in the entrance test, then the next stage of the application process is most often an interview.  British schools regard personality and interests outside the classroom as very important.  Vision House can help you practise for the interview process and come across at your best.


Wait for offers and Make your Choice

School make their offers anytime from before Christmas to the first few months of the new year.  This can be both an exciting time of anticipation as you wait for the letter of acceptance through the post.  Most often our students are very well prepared and receive more than one offer so choosing between top schools can be difficult.


Intensive preparation courses for joining the British curriculum

Congratulations! At this point you have successfully accepted and secured a place at one of the top schools in the UK.  You will now be starting in September as a British student.  However, before that you will need to do some intensive study to catch-up with the British curriculum so you are starting from the same point as your new classmates.

Intensive 1 or 2 year foundation at Vision House School

GCSE and A-level Courses

1 or 2 Year Intensive GCSE & A-level Courses

At Vision House we run intensive 1 year courses for GCSEs or A-levels so that you are ready to take a place at VI form or University.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are GCSEs?

GCSE stands for General Certificate of Education and are exams taken by all Year 11 British school students. They can be taken in each subject although maths, English and science are often compulsory, The average number of GCSEs to take for a student aiming for a top university is about nine. British students usually study for two years to prepare for GCSE in years 10 & 11.
At Vision House we can prepare you to sit GCSEs on an intensive 1 year course so you are ready to join a British VI Form.

What are A-levels?

A-levels are the exams are taken after GCSEs. British students study for 2 years before taking A-levels and usually sit them in the last year of school (year 13). Students most often take 3 or 4 A-levels and their subjects are chosen according to what they plan to study at university – for example someone looking to study engineering would need to have A-levels that included maths and physics.
At Vision House we can prepare you to sit A-levels on an intensive 1 year course so you are ready to join a British University.

What are the routes to studying at a British university?

There are several possible pathways to studying at a British university. The standard procedure for a British students is to study GCSEs and then A-levels and then apply through a system called UCAS – many of our students join us at 12-13 years old and enter a British school in Year 9 where they can then simply follow this same route.
Joining at VI Form is also a possibility – sometimes it may be necessary to quickly complete GCSEs in order to gain entry to a VI Form and Vision House can prepare you for this on an intensive 1 year course. VI Form is the name for the last two years of British School where students study for A-levels.
Finally, it is also possible to join as an international student and apply directly to the universities which will consider your equivalent international grades that you took at high school in your country. Sometimes this can be difficult and so you may need to sit some A-levels to prove your ability – Vision House can prepare you for this on an intensive 1 year course.

What are university foundation courses?

Foundation courses can be a great way for international students to join a university. Most often if you have not studied A-levels (and hold equivalent qualifications from your country) or need some time to improve your English and adjust to studying in the UK, then a foundation course can be ideal. It is also often an easier point of entry to a British university although it will mean that you will be studying for 1 year longer.

How long are British university degrees?

Most undergraduate British university degrees last 3 years. In Scotland, the standard length is 4 years. These are the standard length for a bachelors degree excluding a foundation course and are what most students leave university with. If you want to study further, then the next two qualifications would be a masters degree followed by a PhD.
Masters degrees are typically an additional one or two years. In engineering, maths and science subjects it is also often possible to take an “integrated masters” course where you can study for 4-5 years on a single degree and at the end receive a masters qualification.

Join us at Vision House this holiday

English Summer/Winter Camp

Join us at Vision House for

English Summer/Winter Camp

Here at Vision House we run camps throughout the summer and winter holidays where international students can come to experience life in the UK, get to know us at Vision House, improve their confidence in using English and even consider whether they want to study here in the longer term.

We take our students on trips around the UK to see the cultural landmarks and even go on trips to France, Spain, Germany and Italy which are on our doorstep here in Europe.  Schools and universities also have open days and so we often go on trips to visit and see what studying in the UK is like.

While on summer/winter camp, students will study with our teachers to improve their conversational and written English.  These classes can be one-to-one with the tutor or we also welcome students to come together with a group of up to five of their chosen friends – this is a very popular option.

A camp at Vision House is a great way to spend your summer or winter vacation.  It is a chance to experience the UK, see all the history and culture that the country has to offer, improve your English and consider whether studying here in the long term is the right decision for you.