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End-to-End School Application Support and

Entrance Exam Preparation

Vision House School provides one year courses that prepare international students for British education all the way from school application to starting the British curriculum.

School Entrance Exams

Securing a place at a top British school is a competitive and anxiety inducing process even for British students; navigating this process as an international student can be even harder.  Vision House School provides a platform for international students to get launched into a top British school and ease the transition into British study.  Together with our partners who are the leading experts on British school admissions and preparation, we make the whole process as easy as possible.

The process takes one year commencing in August and you will be studying full-time with us at Vision House School as we take you through every step of the process.

Complete Education Consulting

Vision House provides complete guidance and preparation on all aspects of studying in the UK, from selecting schools to preparing to join the British curriculum.

We run a course that covers the whole process of selecting schools, making applications, preparing for exams, interviewing, accepting offers, and catching up with the British curriculum.

Outline of a Typical Year


Meet Vision House, Outline your goals, School Tours

Students and parents often come to visit us in the Summer to take a tour of Vision House, meet our team and see round some prospective schools.  At this point we discuss your goals and requirements and put a plan together.  Students often stay with us for a summer camp to get to know us and life in the UK.


Finalise School Selection and Apply

The process begins in August and Vision House can take you on tours of the UK schools and advise on the school set that is most suitable to your strengths and character.  Our partners are also the leading specialists in school admissions and can support you every step of the way as your make your selection. 


Intensive Preparation and Study for Entrance Exams

The entrance exams for the top UK schools are highly competitive and most often places at the school are over-subscribed.  The team at Vision House is highly experienced in the requirements for entrance exams at every school and can tailor your preparation accordingly.  You will be rigorously prepared in English, maths, verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning and general knowledge.


Interview Guidance and Coaching

If you have been successful in the entrance test, then the next stage of the application process is most often an interview.  British schools regard personality and interests outside the classroom as very important.  Vision House can help you practise for the interview process and come across at your best.


Wait for offers and Make your Choice

School make their offers anytime from before Christmas to the first few months of the new year.  This can be both an exciting time of anticipation as you wait for the letter of acceptance through the post.  Most often our students are very well prepared and receive more than one offer so choosing between top schools can be difficult.


Intensive preparation courses for joining the British curriculum

Congratulations! At this point you have successfully accepted and secured a place at one of the top schools in the UK.  You will now be starting in September as a British student.  However, before that you will need to do some intensive study to catch-up with the British curriculum so you are starting from the same point as your new classmates.